AI Literacy
In 2024, members of DISC launched a new initiative – the AI literacy working group – to address the urgent need to understand and theorise our engagement with AI in all spheres of social, cultural and political life. “AI literacy” (or even “literacies”) extends far beyond the technical understanding of how artificial intelligence and associated technologies work. AI literacy includes
- a novel theorising of risks and responsibilities that come with adopting AI tools into education
- an analysis of new challenges that come with the automation of major political and business decision-making
- challenges posed by AI to creative practice and intellectual processes
- the environmental footprint of training and operating AI systems
- and much, much more.
The AI Literacy working group brings together DISC members from across disciplinary and thematic fields and consolidates our expertise to develop pioneering social research, real-life impact, and partners engagement.
Interested in our expertise or collaborating?
Please get in touch with Adi Kuntsman or Daniel Joseph.